
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hot Lemon Ginger Tea

This winter is starting off cold and damp for where I live this year.  It's the kind of weather that makes you want to snuggle in with a good book or movie and a steaming mug.  This tea has the refreshing tartness of lemonade with a slight tingle from ginger.  This delicious beverage offers both comfort and the health benefits of vitamin C and antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting.  If you prefer to avoid caffeine, you can use a decaffeinated green tea or choose an herbal tea like lemon, mint, or hibiscus instead.

Hot Lemon Ginger Tea

1 ginger tea bag (I used Yogi brand)
1 green tea bag (I used Celestial Seasonings brand)
1/2 lemon, washed and sliced
Sweetener, to taste (maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, or any favorite sweetener)
1-2 slices fresh ginger root (optional)
Boiling water

In a large mug (at least 10 oz), place the sliced lemon and a small amount of sweetener (I used dried stevia from my garden which is what those dark green flecks in the cup are plus a teaspoon of maple syrup).  With a spoon, mash the lemon slices, sweetener and ginger (if using) together to release some of the juice and oil from the lemon.  Add both a green tea bag and ginger tea bag and fill the mug with boiling water.  Let steep for 5 minutes, then remove the tea bags.  Stir and adjust by adding more sweetener if desired.  Enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

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