Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snowy day nesting

Snowy day comfort food - hot oatmeal with fresh berries, walnuts and maple syrup for breakfast

I'm enjoying a blustery snow day at home nesting.  The snow is swirling around outside like a snow globe and the temperatures have fallen past freezing and continue to drop as the winds kick up.  After making a trip out for a brisk walk with the dog and to gather wood from woodpile before dark (there are scary, scampering noises out there in the dark, oh my!), I'm settled in to savor the past week and to do some planning for the week ahead.

Highlights from the past week:

Dance rehearsal in preparation for an upcoming show on Feb 1 at Blue Wind Gourmet
Meditation workshop at Still Water Mindfulness Center
Dance class date with long time girlfriend and fellow Tribal Remix dancer
Conducted fun Zen Gypsies Tea and Journaling Workshop with Aurora 
Penned Zen Gypsies blog post with recipes for savory tea treats 
Unexpected testimonial feature at Tranquility du Jour
A romp in the snow with Noah

Looking forward to the week ahead:

Stack of books for upcoming course

Attend Living and Sustaining a Creative Life program at the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Gallery
Meeting with a potential Zen Gypsies workshop sponsor
Recipe testing and creation for future blog posts
Lots of dance practice
Trip planning for weekend excursion to Virginia Beach for hubby's birthday
Nesting time in front of the fireplace curled up with my stack of required reading in preparation for the  Main Street Vegan Academy program later this year

May you have a delightful week

Thanks for reading!

Noah, the snow beast

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